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 |  Aries: Go get 'em, tiger! Your stripes are looking especially stunning, so get those paws on a certain someone who'd love the attention. Make a move, whether via the online personals or live and in person.
Taurus: Sweet or sour? It's pretty much your choice in the realm of romance at the moment -- whatever you put out there is coming right back your way in record time. Approach love and life with humility and an open heart.
Gemini: What's between their ears is way hotter for you at the moment than any other, perhaps more conventional, measures of attractiveness. Anyone who can give your mind a challenge could win your heart.
Cancer: Coming out of your shell is remarkably easy now -- in fact, you're downright bold and (of course) beautiful. You may even have a tendency to show off a bit, and, really, why shouldn't you?
Leo: No matter the weather, wherever you are things are looking rather hot at the moment. Not only can you make a connection (or two!), you've got the stellar ability to hook up friends as well.
Virgo: Watch out what you wish for -- if it's action in the romance department, you could end up with a complete overload. The only plan you should make right now is to keep your plans open-ended -- and your options open.
Libra: Letting the little things get you down just isn't your style, and right now, you can definitely see the romantic big picture. You've got the brains and the heart to move forward in a big way.
Scorpio: If you want to make some real romantic progress now, you're going to have to squash your ego and put that pride aside. Maybe it means telling someone honestly how you feel -- or making the first move.
Sagittarius: Some people say you've got all the luck, and right now, if the stars have anything to say about it, that's true. Make three little romantic wishes, and see how many of them you can make into sweet reality.
Capricorn: Your natural caution might be kicking in, telling you that a certain romantic situation may not be quite what it seems. Don't ignore the feeling; make a mental note of it, and also do a little investigating.
Aquarius: You may be about to contradict yourself in a big way when it comes to your love life -- perhaps by doing something you said you'd never do. Heck, if it expands your horizons and is good for your heart, why not?
Pisces: Just because you've got a strong opinion about someone else's romantic situation doesn't mean they necessarily want to hear it. Sometimes people have to make their own mistakes in order to learn from them.
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