| Dear As, Here is your couple's love horoscope for Thursday, April 30: Today finds you craving intellectual stimulation. Invite your partner over for a foreign film and some appropriately themed take out. Maybe you'll learn some new ways to talk about love! Are you truly compatible? Find out if you are meant to be together. Get a Free Psychic Love Reading. Call 800-648-2152.
Check out your horoscopes for yesterday, tomorrow, or today's extended.  P.S. Be beautiful! Check your daily http://horoscopes.astrology.com/index/dailybeautyindex.htmlBeautyScope! Warm Regards, http://www.astrology.com/ http://shop.astrology.com/ | |   Vedic Birth Chart Analysis Experience the power of your Vedic Birth Chart with a free sample preview! Click here to get started. | | Want a natural way to find happiness? Feel better and get in control of your life. Wendi's hypnosis program will get you looking forward to your future. Learn more now!
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 |  Aries: Your generosity towards your partner today will not go unappreciated. Think of something you can do for them that they wouldn't do for themselves, and surprise them with it.
Taurus: Your partner might be acting odd today. Once you establish that nothing is wrong, indulge them a little. They're behavior is eccentric, but if they're having fun, try to have fun with them.
Gemini: Today finds you craving intellectual stimulation. Invite your partner over for a foreign film and some appropriately themed take out. Maybe you'll learn some new ways to talk about love!
Cancer: Before you make a big purchase today, make sure you can afford it. If you and your partner are saving for something big, ask yourself how this fits in with your overall plan.
Leo: A show of confidence will get your through a difficult day, even if you're not feeling it. If you need a reminder of why you're so great, your lover can give you a pep talk and highlight your finer points.
Virgo: You've got reason to be proud today, but don't brag to your partner too much. Keep their feelings in mind before you go overboard describing your achievements. You might want to mention their accomplishments, too.
Libra: Your partner may turn to you for help solving a problem today. Don't worry about having just the right answer. What they are really looking for is concern and understanding.
Scorpio: You're feeling pretty great today, but you'll want to keep your ego in check. Your loved one already thinks you're amazing, they don't need to hear you tell them all about it!
Sagittarius: Your sense of humor will help you make an awkward situation with your sweetie a little lighter. Let them know you're not taking yourself too seriously, and you'll put them at ease.
Capricorn: You share many things with your partner, but don't feel bad if you want to keep some things for yourself. They'll be understanding, and may even feel the same way.
Aquarius: You may find yourself caught in a power struggle with your partner today. Ask yourself what is really on your mind. Perhaps you don't need to win, you just want to be listened to.
Pisces: Other people's lives may seem more interesting, but make a point of minding your own business today. If you need a little excitement, try cooking up something with your lover instead.
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