| Dear As, Here is your single's love horoscope for Thursday, April 30: Your dream date seems so far away from reality it's astounding. But, you're really not so far off the mark. A sliver of optimism will shine through the darkest hour today, giving your the opportunity to ask that person out. Don't miss this chance! Will you ever find someone again? Discover what your future holds with a Free Psychic Love Reading. Call 800-648-2134.
Check out your horoscopes for yesterday, tomorrow, today's extended, or another sign.  P.S. It's 2009! See what the year holds with your 2009 horoscope.
Warm Regards, http://www.astrology.com/ http://shop.astrology.com/ | |   New Year Tarot Reading Be the best you can be with the New You in the New Year tarot reading. Click here to get started. | | Want a natural way to find happiness? Feel better and get in control of your life. Wendi's hypnosis program will get you looking forward to your future. Learn more now!
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 |  Aries: If you're feeling edgy all day, don't panic. You're not going crazy. It's a great time to write about what's going on inside. Whether you're sabotaging a relationship or missing an opportunity, you should know the details of your psyche.
Taurus: It's a good thing the other people around you have their heads on straight. You're totally impulsive and without sane minds to keep you out of trouble, you could end up in a padded room. Before you continue with your antics, you owe someone a thank-you.
Gemini: Your dream date seems so far away from reality it's astounding. But, you're really not so far off the mark. A sliver of optimism will shine through the darkest hour today, giving your the opportunity to ask that person out. Don't miss this chance!
Cancer: Things will definitely go well for you today -- almost too well. That's the problem. The stars may lure you into a feeling of confidence verging on arrogance. All it'll take is the wrong word to the wrong person to knock you off your high horse. Watch out!
Leo: The truth is you've been lying to yourself. The signs are obvious: He's not returning your calls, you haven't met her friends. The sooner you swallow this bitter morsel of reality, the quicker you'll get over it and move on.
Virgo: One small word taken out of context will turn into a huge melee today if you're not crystal clear about your intentions. So it's best to avoid email, text, Twitter -- all forms of electronic communication. Better to pick up the phone.
Libra: Reality is a bit elusive today. That one hottie, who has up until now totally ignored you, gives you an in. Or so you think. Were they smiling at your or someone behind you? Before you confess your undying love for the person, get your facts straight.
Scorpio: Go ahead, share your thoughts with at least one other person today. No sense in keeping it bottled up inside. They may offer great insight to this particular problem. Better yet, they may know someone who has an in and can really help.
Sagittarius: Whatever's been holding you back, suddenly disappears today. If you feel like you can conquer the world (or ask anyone out), that's a great place. Take advantage of this momentum and make up for lost time.
Capricorn: Trying to force things into place will only cause them to break apart. You're better off letting good energy come your way. When you let go of your need to control the outcome, all sorts of wonderful possibilities become available.
Aquarius: Nothing too great is going on reality right now. Why not slip into Fantasyland for something different. Allow your mind to wander beyond the limits of what's possible or probable. Even if nothing really makes sense, follow it through, anyway.
Pisces: You're beyond tired of other people's expectations of you. If you have to hear 'So, are you seeing anyone?' one more time, you'll knock someone's tooth out. Be patient. Almost everyone really just wants the best for you.
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