| You seem almost obsessed with cleanliness today -- more so than any other kitty! It may be time for you to just hunker down and give yourself that nice, long bath you know you need. Who's next? | |
| You are much easier to read today -- the humans in your life have a much better sense of what you're yowling or purring about! If you feel the need to mess with their minds, it's easier than ever! |
| Try not to get too freaked out about that late meal or weird punishment that comes from the humans -- it doesn't mean anything! You just have to deal with inconsistency in your life sometimes. |
| Speak up to your human pals today -- they need a reminder about who's in charge! Your great energy ensures that they at least hear you out, though of course they aren't native speakers of your language. |
| You may spend much of the day sacked out somewhere quiet, preferring unconsciousness to playing or even exploring. Your low energy isn't unpleasant and it doesn't last for long, either! |
| Relax a little and join the humans, no matter what you're doing. Your relentless energy is hard for them to deny, even if what they're doing is usually humans-only. You should have lots of fun! |
| Your emotional side is making you a little crazy today, but that doesn't mean you need to inflict it on others! Try to just fade back and let things happen and you should be back to normal in no time. |
| Snuggle deeply with a good friend and communicate through purring and body language -- you can say a lot that way! Your amazing energy is welcome almost everywhere, but mostly at home with the humans. |
| You're more focused on the people and kitties in your life than usual and may find that it's easy for you to see their points of view with greater clarity. That doesn't mean that you agree -- just that you understand! |
| You're full of big ideas and your kitty friends are excited to play your new games or to explore with you -- or just to hear your stories about what you've found in your travels You're the boss! |
| You've got big plans for the day, but you might get sidetracked by your friends and relations who want you to help them or take care of business that they really should do themselves. Growl and slink away! |
| You're full or playful energy and your human pals do not know what to expect. It's easier than ever for you to get them to see how sweet life can be, so get creative and encourage the same from them! |
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